Denver's Premier Live music Hot Spot
Located at 2057 Larimer Street in the heart of Denver's Famous Lodo Scene. Herb's is a musician owned and run venue with a passion for great live music and is known for kicking out some of the hippest cocktails around. You will see some of the hottest bands and some of the most incredible untapped talent Denver has to offer.
Low on Pretension, High on Energy

Herb's has a passion for great live music

News & Updates
Westword Comic - Jack Kerouac Really did Drink at Herb's
HERB'S is a Music Lover's - And Player's Paradise by Jon Soloman
"…Fridays and Saturdays, it's a mix of live jazz, funk and reggae acts…"
Read the full article here-
Westword Article-
"Once described by Stuff magazine as "a dive bar where hot women actually go," Herb's hosts live jazz, blues and R&B bands some nights, as well as DJs on others, in a wonderfully unpretentious vintage setting. The drinks are strong, the bartenders are friendly, and the music is more for swingin' than settin'. At times overrun with twenty-somethings looking for an alternative to LoDo nightlife, the place is usually stocked with a heterogeneous mix of the hip and unhip."